Monday, 27 February 2012

What is the colour of the wind?

When I think about the wind, I think about what the wind does. I think about it coming and picking up the dirt, the leaves, blowing the tress in one direction and a rough ocean.  The wind can mean that whatever we are going through, it can blow away our problems. It can pick up our dirt and blow us in the right direction. That is why I have chosen the colour white. White is a pure clean colour symbolising that whatever we go through in life, we can start new


The soundtrack to my life

The other day, I decided to listen to all my old music. When I heard the first song, I smiled. I remembered all the good times I used to have with friends, boyfriends, family and even when I got my first dog. When I heard the third song, I cried.  I remembered times that I went through that were unbelievably hard but always somehow managed to get through it and come out a stronger person.


I find it so fascinating how when we listen to music, it can bring up so many emotions and feelings that we have no control over. We remember the good and bad times and it makes us realise how far we have come in life. Sometimes I think that it is good thing that we remember all these times, as it used to be part of our life and I don’t think we should ever regret anything we have done because it is what made us who we are today.

Maybe you should all go listen to a song or two that used to be part of your life. You will be so surprised about the feelings that come up. Just remember that no matter what you were going through at that time, look how far you have come today.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

You can choose your friends but not your family

This is a blog that is very close to my heart. I dont think there is anything more precious in life than your family. From brothers and sisters down to your great great grandparents. I know that I would not be where I am today if it were not for my family. Yes, every family has their issues, every family is crazy in their own funny way but we always accept them for who they are.

They say "you can choose your friends but not your family", well in my case my family are my friends and I would not change them for the world. My sister has gone through every single second in life with me and I dont think anyone knows me better than she does. She probably knows me better than herself. I am so proud to call her my best friend. She knows how to make me feel better, smile, cry, laugh and all the beautiful things in life.

All I am trying to say here, is never take ANY of your family memebers for granted. We stuck with them and should make the best of them and love them no matter what. They can get you through the toughest times. Love them.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

If I were the boss

Today, we are seeing to many bosses treating their employees unfairly, just ordering them to do things without actually taking their feelings into consideration. Employees need to be motivated in order for them to produce oustanding work and work toward the companys goals and objecives. In any company, a boss should take that extra initiative to send employees for any additional training that they may need. Unsatisfied employees are going to produce half hearted work and satisfied employees are going to work to the best of their ability to to reach the companys goals.

I have a friend who has a boss that takes no interest in his workers at all. She is in charge of Public Relations and advertising of the business. She wants to get to know how to use social media and promote her company in a positive light. Her boss does not want to send her for extra training and couldnt care how she feels, as she really does love what she does but does not know how to do it in the right way. It is as if he does not really care how his business is portrayed. In my opinion, if his business does go south, well then that's his fault in the end.

If I were the boss, I would make sure my employees are taken care of and I would go that extra mile to make sure everybody in the business is comfortable and they know exactly what they are doing. If not, then I would guide them in the right direction and go that extra mile to to send them for extra training because in the end, every business wants to be successful.

Monday, 20 February 2012

How hard is it to follow instructions?

This blog really applies to people who are like me. It is not like I choose not to follow instructions, I just battle to follow instructions. I cannot concentrate for to long and I drift into my own world so when instructions are given to me, I dont always interpret them to well.

A simple example. When driving, I need a GPS because I have no idea where I am going because Cape Town is very new to me. I always somehow though, think I know exactly where I am going and choose not to listen to the GPS and land up in the most dangeous areas. Moral of the story... Listen to instructions.

Another example. I always use my sisters things without asking or if I do use them there are a few basic instructions included such as "dont ruin my things" and "ask me before you use them". So what do I normally do? the exact opposite and then it turns into a fight or I just cannot touch her things anymore. Moral of the story... Listen to instuctions.

There are so many more things that I can go on about where I have ignored basic instructions. Take my advice and try listen to instructions, it will be to your benefit and probably those around you.

When times get tough, just carry on.

At times we all feel like we cannot cope and things are just to stressful so we just give up. This is the way I have been feeling lately. I have always been so excited about Public Relations and my 3 years of studying has been amazing. Now i have entered my 4th year and i am just feeling so overwhelmed. I don’t know if its because I just want to finish studying or I just generally am not mentally ready for this year.

Life is challenging but somehow we always manage to make it through to the end. There might be things that we dont like doing but getting through these things makes us stronger people in the end. We just have to hold our heads up high and try our best. If you have tried your best and you still fail, well then at least you know you still tried to the best of your ability.

Never doubt yourself and those around you. Everyone has weaknesses and we all not perfect, but its how much effort we put into life that makes us the people who we are today. 

2 people come out of a building and into a story

When I first thought of this topic I thought I would write about something that has personally happened to me. This is my story of how I changed my life.

I am originally from Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, and my hometown. Life there was boring and did not have any meaning to me. I have always wanted to make something of myself because I know I have the potential to be brilliant. There is no opportunity for the field of Public Relations and I have always known that I want this to be part of my life. I then decided to move to Cape Town where there are so many opportunities, not just in Public Relations, but to grow as a person.

This is where the title comes into place. The building being Durban and the story being Cape Town. I moved to Cape Town with my bestest friend, which is my sister and together we have changed our lives from ordinary and boring to fun and exciting. Everyday is a new opportunity and we don’t always know what it has in store for us. Its how we make those days count and live for every second like it was our last.

New to the life of blogging

Ive always wanted to start my own blog but never actually taken the time to sit down and start one. I am a Public relations student who has a passion for the media so I thought why not actually get in touch with the world of social media.
I attend university at the Cape Town University of Technology and am currently doing my BTech in Public Relations. I am new to Cape Town and I figured if I want to get myself in a well established company that is involved with the media, then this is a great way to start. I still have to get the hang of it and will be talking about things that are close to my heart and things that inspire me in life. I have so many passions in life and would like to share them, aswell as many inspirational people in my life that have shaped me into who I am today.
I still hav not figured out a name for my blog as my mind always seems to think of so many things and i cannot put one idea down, so hopefully things will start falling into place.