Thursday, 23 February 2012

You can choose your friends but not your family

This is a blog that is very close to my heart. I dont think there is anything more precious in life than your family. From brothers and sisters down to your great great grandparents. I know that I would not be where I am today if it were not for my family. Yes, every family has their issues, every family is crazy in their own funny way but we always accept them for who they are.

They say "you can choose your friends but not your family", well in my case my family are my friends and I would not change them for the world. My sister has gone through every single second in life with me and I dont think anyone knows me better than she does. She probably knows me better than herself. I am so proud to call her my best friend. She knows how to make me feel better, smile, cry, laugh and all the beautiful things in life.

All I am trying to say here, is never take ANY of your family memebers for granted. We stuck with them and should make the best of them and love them no matter what. They can get you through the toughest times. Love them.


  1. Family is who we are. They are always here for us and they are the ones who will always stand by us. Of course; there are always disagreements but the most important thing to remember is that they are our family and will always be...

  2. I can totally understand when it comes to family. No one can live mentally sane when they have no group to call family. What are your views of children who don't have families or are in foster care? It's a tough situation but i think if we stand together, we can give everyone a family. Good post

  3. Feel like crying. Its really great staff. Indeed family is all we have and you remind me of my best friend and brother. Take care of your family and embrace the love they give you with peace and hapiness.
