Friday, 23 March 2012

Why is everyone getting divorced?

Divorce is not a funny at all.  More and more people are getting divorced by the minute.  More than 50 % of married couples around the world are divorced. It’s actually weird when someone says that their parents are still together. Why though are so many people getting divorced?
I think the children get affected the most. I come from a divorced family and it affects us as the children the most.  Marriage is the most sacred bond of all time. It is the most beautiful thing given to us from God. Divorce is becoming so common, and it really does upset me.  It affects my relationships with men. I do not trust anyone I see. It isn’t meant to be like this because when we find that special person we want to spend the rest of our lives with, it should stay like that. I come from a very strict religion where divorce is very much frowned upon and I am sure that most religions are the same. So why now? Why is everyone we know getting divorced? I certainly do no not agree with divorce, I feel that people should work through their problems and come to some kind of an agreement. But then again if it doesn’t work, it just doesn’t work.

My sister and I have suffered. We have been through so much with our parents’ divorce. I would do almost anything to be a family again. One thing I do know for sure is that it has made us into much stronger people. Because we have been through hell, and I feel like I have literally been through hell, you have to be strong because they are still your parents and you can’t take sides because you love them both. Some advice, DO NOT take sides, it makes things 100 times worse.
For those of you, whose parents are still together, embrace it. You are so fortunate. For those of you who come from a divorced family, we will be ok. Hold your head up and high and let us not make the same mistakes our parents made.

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