Saturday, 22 September 2012

Home is where the heart is

I have recently been stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have such mixed emotions about where I want to be – Durban or Cape Town. I left Durban to start a new life and adventure, make new friends, see what is beyond the Durban life and just become the person I have always wanted to be, not how people knew me as and how I had to act to fit in. I came to Cape Town absolutely loving every second, living the dream if you want to call it that. I made such amazing friends, always meeting new people, saw how beautiful this city is and just being myself. Now that I have been here for almost two years, I am really starting to miss my hometown, Durban.
The two places are completely different, Cape Town having a much more laid back feel and is more vibrant and busy. Durban being more relaxed and people being a lot friendlier and you have the whole beach and sun vibe.  I miss it so much and I realise more and more everyday how completely different they are. Now what do I do? It is hard because my family is all in Cape Town now, whom I’m very close to but I would call myself a Durban girl. Whenever I go back I feel like I am back at home where I still have my very good close friends and some of some other family are also close to Durbs.

It is such a hard decision and I’m really battling with it. I think it is so important to be happy where you are because it determines the outcome of the person you want to become. It’s not like the two places are on two sides of the world so it’s easy to move between the two.

So soon I will have to make this really hard decision but I know that whatever decision I make it will be the right one.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Annual Spring Charity Dog Walk

About 3 weeks ago, myself and 2 of my other friends from varsity attended the Annual Spring Charity Dog Walk in Pinelands and it was honestly the best time I have had in a while. My street kid, Bella was actually quite an embarrassment when we first got there and she would not stop barking at the other dogs and made such a scene. She eventually calmed down when we had to walk 2km around the field and she had an absolute ball.
There were different competitions we could enter our dogs into and my friend Roelien and I decided we were going to enter our babies into the Mr and Miss doggie of the day competition. All the money went to animal cruelly so it was money well spent. Anyway all I could think about was for Bella to just calm down and not embarrass me. She walked around for the judges and spectators so well that she was one of the winners. I was one proud mom. Boeta, Roeliens dog, was also one of the winners for the male section.  We couldn’t have been more proud of our babies and they also won some yummy doggie food, which saved me some money.

                                                             My baby Bella

I would highly recommend that you try going to one of these walks in your area. It is a fun day where you meet lots of new people and dogs. It’s one to never forget.

My big fat BIG dream

I have many dreams – to make lots of money, to be in a successful marriage, to be successful in business, to live on a secluded tropical island and to own as many dogs as I wanted. All these dreams may be attainable and some may not be but these are things that can only keep me happy for a short period of time. My ultimate passion and if you haven’t figured it out already is animals. I would love to open up an animal shelter or farm and rescue animals that don’t have homes and love in their lives. The thing with me is, I have so much love to give and who better else to give it to than animals?

Like in my previous blog, I talked about how if you put your mind to something there is no stopping you. So there will be no stopping me when I make enough money to finally open up my own animal shelter where I can use my passion to make animals happy and loved.

I know I have written few blogs about animal cruelty animals in general, I’m sorry if it bores you but I am so passionate about it and I like to express my feelings. I think it is something that people need to be constantly aware of and reminded about because it is becoming such a problem that we need to all start doing something about it.

So what’s your big dream? If it something you are passionate about, do it and don’t try let anybody stop you.

Being spontaneous

Have you ever had the urge to do something completely outrageous and out of the blue? I recently experienced this and couldn’t control myself and did it. I’m not going to say what (some of you might think I am a little bit out of it) but it was the best feeling knowing that I don’t have any regrets. Sometimes we live such boring ordinary and routine driven lives that we miss out on all the fun things to do. We all have such a short time on this world so we should do the things that we want to while we can. The average person has 31,536,000 seconds of life to live and if you think about it that isn’t long at all and what’s stopping us? Absolutely nothing! If we can put our minds to it, we can do anything we want!

We had a blind speaker the other day for the PR forum and he spoke to us about all the things he is able to do. From bungee jumping to jumping out of airplanes is just an example of what he has accomplished. If someone that is blind can do it, then why can’t we? We have no excuse.

So what have you really wanted to do?

Go and do it!

Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

Have you ever felt like you are different or don’t fit in to most other peoples standards? Well you know what? Good. I think it is amazing being different and not being like anyone else. Can you imagine if everyone in the world was the same? How boring would that be? You make life interesting. People might not agree with the way you dress or talk or have different interests to other people but that’s ok.
My eyes were opened when I moved to Cape Town. Coming from Durban, the stereotypes there are really big. ‘Stoned surfers’, ‘Barbie’s’, ‘laid back’, and so on. Well it’s pretty much exactly that. Nobody is really different and if you are, then you considered out of the loop or not cool or whatever it may be. Coming to Cape Town, most people are different and everyone has their own unique individual styles or personalities. I think that this is amazing! At first I was really shocked and quite amused but you become so used to it that you actually really start respecting people like this that can be separate from the norm.
So when you feeling down about being different, embrace it and use it do great things. Besides who wants to be ‘normal’? I know I don’t.

It’s almost time to spread our wings

It is almost that time to go out into the big bad world and be our own individuals. Personally I am petrified to get a job and start the life of a normal working person because of the unknown. I have not had the experience as my other class mates of working in the PR industry so I honestly do not have a clue what to expect. It is just 7 more weeks until we finished with our course and are free from the student life. This also scares me because all of this free time and holidays we get, it’s almost GONE!!!

The only positive I can think of is that we will start getting paid, which actually out rules the rest. That is why it is so important to love what you do. If you stuck in a job where you not happy and you getting paid, you are not going to be truly happy. So when you are applying for jobs, all I can say is look for something that you have a passion for and look forward to getting up in the morning so you have a purpose in life.

Good luck guys go and kill it in PR and show them how brilliant you all are.

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

Sometimes we try doing to too much at once that we burn ourselves out and eventually we cannot do anything at all. We all want to be these ‘super beings’ but sometimes we just need to take one step at a time. If you are a control freak like me then everything has to be perfect and I get so frustrated because all I want to do it sit down and relax and it is virtually impossible for me to do.

Take for example that you have 3 assignments all due for the same day. Most of us I’m guessing are probably going to leave it for the last minute and we going to get in a panic state. This is the chasing of rabbits at the same time. What we need to do is plan our time well that we don’t have to stress and we can spend our time on more productive things and will probably end up getting a better mark. It’s not as hard as most of us think, we just need to sit down and think about our time. Time is so precious so use it wisely.

Friday, 24 August 2012

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)

Recently, in management practice, we have been learning all about strategy formulation and implementation and how important it is to have back-up plans when you are trying to implement something.

Anyway, I’m not going to ramble on about business and strategic plans as this will bore most of you but this just got me thinking how vital it is to have back-up plans in life. Life throws us curve balls and unexpected things jump out at us when we least expect it, so always knowing that you have a plan B, can be very beneficial to you.

I would just like to share with you something that happened to me and my family as an example of this sort of thing. My mom, sister and I went to Singapore and Thailand last year and we had our itinerary all planned out and ready to go. We never even thought of planning a back-up plan just in case anything happened. Anyway, long story cut short my mom’s bags got stolen with everything in it and we were stuck. Luckily we had travel insurance and they payed us out but the moral of the story is that if we didn’t think of important things like that we would have been in a lot of trouble and not knowing what to do on the other side of the world.

No matter what happens in life, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, always have a plan B.

Monday, 13 August 2012

To my amazing mother

Today is my beautiful moms birthday (I won’t mention her age as she will kill me) and I just want to write this blog to thank her for all she has done for me and being there for me when I have needed her most. My mom dedicates her life to my sister and I and I have no doubt in my mind that she would die for us. She has the most genuine heart and soul and I am very lucky to call her my mom and friend. She is not only my mom but a person that I have come to call my friend. I can tell her anything and she will not judge me but give me motherly advice that I use very wisely.

I wish you all the happiness in the world and for only good things to come your way. You deserve it!

I love you mom

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Beautiful Stanford

A few weeks ago my dad, my sister and myself went to a beautiful little town just past Hermanus called Stanford. It is one of the most stunning, quaint little places I’ve ever been to. It is nestled in between the mountains with a river flowing through the town. The houses are all cottages with stunning gardens and big oak trees.

It must have been about 0 degrees when we got there and immediately put in a fire. On the Saturday morning we went to a farmers market with all locally produced foods, flowers, homemade clothes and accessories. We then went to a cheese farm where they make the most divine cheeses and breads. After that we went to a wine farm and enjoyed the afternoon drinking a bit too much wine for our liking.

It was the most perfect weekend to just get away and enjoy a relaxing weekend where we didn’t have to think about the daily pressures of life and just spend quality time together. I would highly recommend this place to anyone who wants to get away and just enjoy themselves.

Reality Television

I’m religious about my reality programmes especially ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’, obsessed would be an understatement. Why though, are we so addicted to these programmes? Is it the lives they live, lives we wish we could have, the drama, does it make our lives seem normal or is it just a pure addiction that we cannot break?

For me, I think it because I have always wanted to be rich and famous – no I’m kidding. I think it is because it makes me feel like a normal human being. I’m sure most of those programmes are rehearsed but still, if you think about what goes on in those programmes and if you think about your life as an ‘ordinary’ citizen, they are two different worlds! Their lives might look perfect but im sure they are far from perfect.

I would really love to hear from you if you watch them and why you do?

What will matter to me in 10 years?

I look at my life today and I am very content. I have a roof over my head, parents that love me, food on the table every day and enough money to get me through each day.  My biggest priority in life right now is getting my degree in Public Relations, finding a good job that I am happy in, earning a decent salary and finding my own place where I can start the rest of my life. These priorities will change once I have achieved all of this and then I will have new priorities.

I have no clue where I will be in 10 years’ time. I might be overseas, I might be married with children, I might be in a completely different career path than Public Relations or I might still be single and happy (or sad) who knows? What I do know is that my values, morals and things that are important to me as an individual stay the same; well I hope they stay the same. Life has so many curve balls and we never know what it is going to throw at us. Today might be our last day of living, that’s how unexpected life is. We should all live life to the fullest and try reaching our dreams no matter how hard it is to get there. We should all be true to ourselves as individuals and whatever is most important to us, make that a priority in your life. So what will matter to me in 10 years’ time is the person I am and want to be and make sure that I stay true to myself because I am the most important person in my life and you are the most important person in your life- never forget that.

Is crying a sign of strength or weakness?

Crying, in my opinion is both a sign of strength and weakness. It is a strength because it shows that you are human and you have feelings and emotions and everyone now and then needs a good cry to let all of what you are feeling out. It makes you feel better (I know this because I cry all the time). It can be a weakness because every time something happens, you cannot just cry and expect people to feel sorry for you. Sometimes you have to just suck it up and face the music.

Men and women obviously have different viewpoints when it comes to crying. Men like to be all macho and be the strong ones and when they do cry, they think they are weak and it is very embarrassing for them and when women cry men want to run for the other direction. I personally think that when a man cries, it is beautiful because it shows that they are not robots but they actually have feelings and emotions. Women tend to have more feelings and they just like to let it out, sometimes we cannot control when we cry. For both genders, crying is a natural habit but we need to make sure that we control when we cry because it can put people off. You also need to make sure what environment you are in for example, being in the working world, obviously crying can be seen as a sign of weakness but at home it is more natural. So yes, it can be seen as both a strength and weakness just make sure that you don’t let it out ALL the time but when you do need a good cry, let it out- you will feel like a new person.

The Heart of Love

Recently I was given a book called ‘The Heart of Love’ written by Dr. John.F. Demartini. Normally I hate reading these self-help books because I don’t see the point in them and I live by the saying – ‘If you can’t help yourself, how is anyone else going to help you’. So I decided to just start reading the first chapter and would see how it goes. Naturally, I don’t like reading but as soon as I started I could not put the book down.

This book deals with how to make meaningful relationships with people, such as your partner, parents and people who you want to get along with better. Being in the field of Public Relations, it is very important to be able to interact with people and to communicate and build relationships so this is the perfect book for me. My emotions run away with me and it has always been something I am consciously aware of and I have wanted to change that. This book has helped me so much with that and also showed me what values are important to me and how to treat other peoples values as important as my own. It has really changed my outlook on life and I would really recommend this book to anyone who would like to build meaningful relationships with people. It has exercises at the end of each chapter for you to work on to reflect on what you have just read. Come on, give it a read, I promise you, you won’t be sorry J

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” – Frank Zappa

I have been reading this statement over and over again and it has taken me a while to understand it. Here it goes – I hope it makes sense.

Rock (the genre) journalism is people who cannot write, the people who they are interviewing can’t talk for their rock audience that cannot read. Ok that didn’t even make sense to me but let me explain what I get out of it and what my opinions on rock music are.

Rock is for a specific audience. It is a very deep genre that speaks to a lot of people. Most people think that people that listen to rock are on drugs are Goths or whatever they may think. I used to listen to rock and it really spoke to me about emotions and life’s issues. This type of music speaks to the soul. You don’t have to be able to read or write or have some special skill to listen to rock music. Some of the greatest artists were rock artists and they changed music in so many ways. I think that rock music changed in a way that people could express themselves whether it be verbally or in song. So no matter what music you listen to, people should not judge you on it. As long as that song or artist speaks to you personally, that’s all that should matter.

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

One needs to very careful of being online and this is why…

1.       You can develop an addiction to being online – the things that once seemed important won’t seem that important anymore

2.       Being online means that anyone can find you. Make sure you are protected and your information is kept private

3.       If you have a natural talent, display in on YouTube -  you never know what can happen

4.       Being online could mean you are more easily faced with viruses

5.       Children need to be careful of paedophiles and any other sick people out there

6.       Online dating is seriously dangerous! Make sure you know who you are talking to

7.       The internet is expensive – make sure you know your daily limit and don’t abuse it

8.       Whatever you put online, people are going to see it. Make sure you don’t ruin your reputation.

9.       Don’t be fooled when you have ‘won a million rand’ it’s not real!

10.   Don’t lose sight of the real world. We can become so consumed with the virtual world of the internet that we can lose focus of what’s real.

Have you figured out the second head fake?

“Did you figure out the head fake? It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way ... the dreams will come to you. Did you figure out the second head fake? The talk's not for you. It's for my kids.” This was written by Randy Pausch, a professor and his whole idea was about how we need to look at life differently and what is really important.

Life has many obstacles and we are faced with these obstacles every day, whether it be work, studying or just getting through one day at a time. We as humans need to look at what is really important in life such as family, friends and doing what makes us happy. It can be very hard to do this as it is not as easy as saying “today I am going to be happy, I am not going to let anything get me down”. We need to work at it. We all have dreams and we all want to get somewhere In our lives but as Paushe says we need to lead our lives in the right way.


I don’t know if any of you have read ‘The Secret’ but this is a fantastic book where it tells you if you are positive and have the right attitude the universe will listen to you and you will receive what you are wanting. We should all have this attitude in our lives. Find out what is really important to you and make it work. It will literally be a lot of work to make it happen but then again, anything is possible if we put our minds to it.

I am...?

“I am strong, independent and in control of my own emotions, reactions and happiness”. I say this to myself every morning when I wake up. This is because these are the things I wish most on myself and the things that I need to work on the most. I’m not a strong person, I am not that independent, I lose control of my emotions and I react badly to things. But you know what, despite of all these things I am trying to work on them and think positively. Some people I know sit all day and feel sorry for themselves and don’t want to help themselves. How is anyone going to help you if you cannot help yourself?

Sometimes we wish we could be someone else, someone who is everything that we are not. We are only human and wanting to be beautiful and have all the money in the world would be amazing but we cannot always have what we want. That is why we need to embrace who we are. We are all special in our own kind of way and we need to be thankful every day for being alive and having the things that we do. If you do want to change then work at it. I personally do not think that anyone should change for anyone else but that is a personal opinion. Everyone is special in their own unique way and that is the way God made us. So embrace who you are and show everyone what you have to offer and contribute to our society.

So have you figured out who you are?

“In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes”- Why would I be famous?

This took me a while to figure out why I would be famous. If you think about it, it’s actually quite vain to think about why you would be famous, but then I said to myself, what difference would I make in the world for me to make a positive impact on people and then it hit me. Helping animals. My passion in life is animals; I would do almost anything to help these amazing creatures. Animals don’t have voices and I want to be that voice for them. They cannot choose where they want to live and which people they go to (and you get some pretty disgusting people toward animals). I always say and I’m sure most of you will disagree with me, but people can help themselves, they have brains, animals can’t. All these beautiful animals want is love in their lives and someone to feed and play with them. That’s all. They don’t judge by how much money you have or how fat or skinny you are. On the other hand, some people could argue that if people can’t look after themselves how are they supposed to look after their animals? Fair enough but don’t get an animal in the first place. I could rant and rave over this for hours but do you get my point here?


So yes, I would want my fifteen minutes of fame to be about animals and having that voice for them. In that way, I hope I would make a difference and people would take the time and actually listen to what I have to say and there would be a lot happier animals on this earth.

A skill set called leadership

You get two different kinds of people – leaders and followers. I like to think of myself as a leader but that depends on what kind of a situation I am in. I think some people are natural born leaders and others, not so much. It is fine being a leader and it is an amazing quality to possess but some ‘leaders’ I have come across recently don’t really show themselves as being leaders but rather they are bossy and controlling which I think can put off a lot of people.

A leader is someone who is in control of situations, they are examples, they are caring, they motivate people and they take initiative in situations. Some people are just dominating and they like to rule the roost. I lose respect for these types of people as they are supposed to be examples of people who we can look up to, not for them to scare us and for us just do what we are told.

I think that anyone can be a leader, whether it be in your church, community, household or even in the lecture room. Always try to be the better person. You can help so many people by being a leader and sharing your knowledge and wisdom with people who seek it. Don’t be domineering and take the position to your advantage by thinking you better than everyone else. Be kind, be helpful and most importantly be an example.


My top 200 achievements
I have had a lot of achievements in my life, some more important than others, so I will list the ones that I am most proud of and try not to bore you J

1.       Received honours with distinction in the disciplines of tap and modern dancing in almost all grades

2.       Made first team netball

3.       I was made netball captain in matric                                                                                                  

4.       I was made Miss St. Benedict

5.       I got my driver’s license

6.       I finished my Diploma in Public Relations

7.       I achieved 13 distinctions in my diploma

8.       I am currently almost finished with my BTech in Public Relations

9.       I passed maths in school (This is a massive achievement as I cannot do maths)

10.   I baked the most perfect chocolate cake for the first time the other day

11.   I was able to give up smoking for 6 months (That has not lasted)

12.   I completed a learning and leadership course

13.   I came second in a modelling competition (alongside my sister who came first – tough competition)

14.   I won my first competition a year ago – expense paid for which I unfortunately could not attend

To be continued …

What motivates me?

I have one word – Love. Love is the most powerful feeling on this planet and it can move people to do great things. No matter what you are interested in doing such as helping animals, people, trying to get an assignment done and so on, love will motivate you to do what you want. If you have the feeling of being loved, I promise you, the greatest obstacles will seem possible.

Recently, I have been feeling very overwhelmed by varsity and just life in general. I have been in this slump, which I have not been able to get through. No matter what anyone said to me, I just could not get myself to think positive and to pick myself up and move on. Until one day my mom said to me that no matter what happens, now and in the future, she will be there for me no matter what and this is just another hurdle I have to get through and she would be there every step of the way. Do you know how much that meant to me? To know that she wouldn’t judge me on the marks I get or who I date and so on. That is love and I had this instant feeling to get up and show everyone that I am better than what I thought of myself. That is what motivates me. Not money or financial success but pure unconditional love.

So next time someone is feeling down or demotivated, show some love. I promise you the world would be a much happier place if love were shown every day.


Thursday, 19 July 2012

The elephant in the room

I am so happy that this topic came up as I find religion a very difficult issue to discuss. Religion is without a doubt one of the most sensitive and controversial topics to talk to people about. I come from a very religious background and it is in our belief system to talk about religion openly but I have come across many people who get very offended by the topic of religion because if it is not their way it’s the highway.


Let’s face it, religion has become the number one reason for most of the world’s problems today and it is so important for us humans to openly discuss it without people getting offended or having a huge argument over it. I am a Jehovah’s Witness (not practicing) and in my religion it is natural for us to preach Gods name and for us to have free and open discussions about religion, not just our religion but all types of religions. I think that in any kind of religion or culture it all comes down to a mutual understanding and respect of one another for everyone to get along. I have two Muslim friends who are very dedicated to their religion and we always have open conversations about our beliefs and values and we have the most amazing friendship because of a common respect for one another.  I, personally, find it fascinating to learn about different religions and see how they come about to believe what they do for certain reasons. I just think that if we can all overcome this fear and ignorance of different religions the world would really become a better place. 


Pearls of Wisdom (try a cliché)

I have been very lucky enough to have the most amazing grandmother. Her advice and guidance is what has gotten me to where I am today. If there is something that I need to know, advice or just plain telling me like it is, I can always turn to my gran.

I have always thought that the older people get the more stories they tell about how when they were my age they did this and they did that, and I want to cringe every time because it is boring and I have no time to listen. But the older I get, the more those stories make sense and almost every story old people tell, there is some moral to the story or some good advice. What people at our age don’t realise is that older people, like my gran, have been through life and they know what they are talking about. They have been through their ups and downs and most probably have learnt from it and have some good knowledge on how to handle the situation or how to deal with it.

I have so much respect for the older generation because what we face today, they have all already faced. Maybe not exactly the same as times have changed, but most things have stayed the same – morals, values and beliefs.

My sister said something to me the other day, which is so true. She said that grey hair isn’t a sign of aging and people who are getting older(Like my dad- he would kill me right now) should not try to hide it because grey hair symbolises that persons experiences and journey through life ,old age is a natural process so just let it be.

I know my gran does not even know how to switch on a computer and there is no way she even knows about blogging, but I would like to just thank her for giving me the best advice ,wisdom and knowledge I have ever received, without her I would not be the person I am today.

Every day is a good day

Do you sometimes feel like me where every day seems to be the same? The same routine, the same people, the same television programmes and so on ? Sometimes it can be draining, boring and sad. I often say to myself what is the point? Then I look at everything around me and I am loved, I have a roof over my head and I am just thankful that I am alive surrounded by the beauty of this wonderful world we live in.

Life is beautiful. Yes, we may face the same things everyday but if you think about it every day we meet new people, we may meet someone special that we could spend the rest of our lives together, someone may tell a joke that can make us smile, we can get a good mark for an assignment and so on. We must all be so grateful that we were put on this earth for a purpose, whatever your purpose may be.

Every morning when you wake up, just remind yourself how lucky you are to be here, think of all the things that you are blessed with and remind yourself that you are important, the most important person in your life and only you can create your own happiness, no one else.

Every day is a good day so go and make it good.


Feelings follow behaviour

If you are like me, you don’t think before you act or say something. You say something and then after you say it, you regret it or feel bad. Well, people like us need to start learning from this. We could really hurt people, which I have, or offend them and seriously do harm. I think it is in our nature to do this. I also know that people have said some things directed at me and I have been deeply hurt, then they come say sorry, but why did they say it in the first place?
We need to think about the consequences it causes afterwards and how we hurt people. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! From now on I am going try make a conscience effort to do this and I think that people who are guilty of this also need to try.

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

This statement couldn’t be truer. When we think that we have something to offer the world, sometimes it can fail us. For example, I am a very emotional person who has a lot of passion for people and animals and I always try putting other people ahead of myself. I always try my hardest to do the right thing and I always try give of myself in every way. However, sometimes when we give too much we expect something in return and that does not always happen, which leads to disappointment and we often get hurt by that.


When it comes to me, this is what happens. I always expect expect expect. I have had to try many different approaches to try not lead myself to disappointment. I am not a religious person but the bible says ‘it is better in giving than there is in receiving’ which is so true and I try live by that statement every day of my life. When we as humans (the more fortunate ones) have everything, a roof over our head, water, food, loving parents and money to get us through everyday battles, why should we want anything more? There are people out there who have nothing and wouldn’t it be wonderful to give to them, even if it a loaf of bread or volunteering at an animal shelter, where all these poor animals want is love.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at what we have and be grateful for it. If we give something don’t always expect something in return. It will make us happier people and those in need even happier.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

“Practice what you preach”. I’m sure most of you have heard of this saying more than once in your life. In my case I talk before I think and that often gets me into a lot of trouble. Often, so many people judge a person before getting to know them and when we do actually get to know them, we feel quite silly. I think that this is a normal human thing to do. Instead of judging a person we should get to know them because they might actually be the nicest person. Us as humans unfortunately judge on outward appearances first. Take for example, a man. A man is going to first look at a girl to see if she’s pretty or looks after herself or whatever he may look for in a girl. If that girl does not look after herself or is everything that the man is not looking for, he won’t take notice of her and will not get to know her. If he did get to know her, who knows? They could have been perfect for each other.

This is something that us humans need to work on. Before judging, get to know a person. Who are we to judge anyway? We do not have that right because we do not know what that person has gone through.


Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the-road

Marriage is supposed to be the most sacred bond of all. It is something that God created when two people love each other and they express that love by getting married. Today, it has become just a legal piece of paper that says they are married. It does not mean anything anymore. Why though? In my opinion, more and more marriages are breaking up because it is the easy way out. They do not want to work at it such as marriage counselling.


I come from a very strict religion where divorce is a no go but I am seeing so many marriages being broken up that it is becoming the norm. This makes me think as our generation are seeing this happen and it makes us scared of being in a full time committed relationship that we are too scared to even think of getting married , well me at least. I come from a divorced family and it tears families apart. We are all so exposed to the media and what the media says and it is making it easier for people to leave each other but the fact is that it should not be this way and people should work on it and make it work. If you not ready to get married, then don’t! It is not a race and wait till you have experienced life and travelled and worked and find yourself as a person because if not you are going to be stuck in the middle of the road and have no way out but to end the marriage.