Saturday 22 September 2012

Home is where the heart is

I have recently been stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have such mixed emotions about where I want to be – Durban or Cape Town. I left Durban to start a new life and adventure, make new friends, see what is beyond the Durban life and just become the person I have always wanted to be, not how people knew me as and how I had to act to fit in. I came to Cape Town absolutely loving every second, living the dream if you want to call it that. I made such amazing friends, always meeting new people, saw how beautiful this city is and just being myself. Now that I have been here for almost two years, I am really starting to miss my hometown, Durban.
The two places are completely different, Cape Town having a much more laid back feel and is more vibrant and busy. Durban being more relaxed and people being a lot friendlier and you have the whole beach and sun vibe.  I miss it so much and I realise more and more everyday how completely different they are. Now what do I do? It is hard because my family is all in Cape Town now, whom I’m very close to but I would call myself a Durban girl. Whenever I go back I feel like I am back at home where I still have my very good close friends and some of some other family are also close to Durbs.

It is such a hard decision and I’m really battling with it. I think it is so important to be happy where you are because it determines the outcome of the person you want to become. It’s not like the two places are on two sides of the world so it’s easy to move between the two.

So soon I will have to make this really hard decision but I know that whatever decision I make it will be the right one.

Friday 21 September 2012

Annual Spring Charity Dog Walk

About 3 weeks ago, myself and 2 of my other friends from varsity attended the Annual Spring Charity Dog Walk in Pinelands and it was honestly the best time I have had in a while. My street kid, Bella was actually quite an embarrassment when we first got there and she would not stop barking at the other dogs and made such a scene. She eventually calmed down when we had to walk 2km around the field and she had an absolute ball.
There were different competitions we could enter our dogs into and my friend Roelien and I decided we were going to enter our babies into the Mr and Miss doggie of the day competition. All the money went to animal cruelly so it was money well spent. Anyway all I could think about was for Bella to just calm down and not embarrass me. She walked around for the judges and spectators so well that she was one of the winners. I was one proud mom. Boeta, Roeliens dog, was also one of the winners for the male section.  We couldn’t have been more proud of our babies and they also won some yummy doggie food, which saved me some money.

                                                             My baby Bella

I would highly recommend that you try going to one of these walks in your area. It is a fun day where you meet lots of new people and dogs. It’s one to never forget.

My big fat BIG dream

I have many dreams – to make lots of money, to be in a successful marriage, to be successful in business, to live on a secluded tropical island and to own as many dogs as I wanted. All these dreams may be attainable and some may not be but these are things that can only keep me happy for a short period of time. My ultimate passion and if you haven’t figured it out already is animals. I would love to open up an animal shelter or farm and rescue animals that don’t have homes and love in their lives. The thing with me is, I have so much love to give and who better else to give it to than animals?

Like in my previous blog, I talked about how if you put your mind to something there is no stopping you. So there will be no stopping me when I make enough money to finally open up my own animal shelter where I can use my passion to make animals happy and loved.

I know I have written few blogs about animal cruelty animals in general, I’m sorry if it bores you but I am so passionate about it and I like to express my feelings. I think it is something that people need to be constantly aware of and reminded about because it is becoming such a problem that we need to all start doing something about it.

So what’s your big dream? If it something you are passionate about, do it and don’t try let anybody stop you.

Being spontaneous

Have you ever had the urge to do something completely outrageous and out of the blue? I recently experienced this and couldn’t control myself and did it. I’m not going to say what (some of you might think I am a little bit out of it) but it was the best feeling knowing that I don’t have any regrets. Sometimes we live such boring ordinary and routine driven lives that we miss out on all the fun things to do. We all have such a short time on this world so we should do the things that we want to while we can. The average person has 31,536,000 seconds of life to live and if you think about it that isn’t long at all and what’s stopping us? Absolutely nothing! If we can put our minds to it, we can do anything we want!

We had a blind speaker the other day for the PR forum and he spoke to us about all the things he is able to do. From bungee jumping to jumping out of airplanes is just an example of what he has accomplished. If someone that is blind can do it, then why can’t we? We have no excuse.

So what have you really wanted to do?

Go and do it!

Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

Have you ever felt like you are different or don’t fit in to most other peoples standards? Well you know what? Good. I think it is amazing being different and not being like anyone else. Can you imagine if everyone in the world was the same? How boring would that be? You make life interesting. People might not agree with the way you dress or talk or have different interests to other people but that’s ok.
My eyes were opened when I moved to Cape Town. Coming from Durban, the stereotypes there are really big. ‘Stoned surfers’, ‘Barbie’s’, ‘laid back’, and so on. Well it’s pretty much exactly that. Nobody is really different and if you are, then you considered out of the loop or not cool or whatever it may be. Coming to Cape Town, most people are different and everyone has their own unique individual styles or personalities. I think that this is amazing! At first I was really shocked and quite amused but you become so used to it that you actually really start respecting people like this that can be separate from the norm.
So when you feeling down about being different, embrace it and use it do great things. Besides who wants to be ‘normal’? I know I don’t.

It’s almost time to spread our wings

It is almost that time to go out into the big bad world and be our own individuals. Personally I am petrified to get a job and start the life of a normal working person because of the unknown. I have not had the experience as my other class mates of working in the PR industry so I honestly do not have a clue what to expect. It is just 7 more weeks until we finished with our course and are free from the student life. This also scares me because all of this free time and holidays we get, it’s almost GONE!!!

The only positive I can think of is that we will start getting paid, which actually out rules the rest. That is why it is so important to love what you do. If you stuck in a job where you not happy and you getting paid, you are not going to be truly happy. So when you are applying for jobs, all I can say is look for something that you have a passion for and look forward to getting up in the morning so you have a purpose in life.

Good luck guys go and kill it in PR and show them how brilliant you all are.

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

Sometimes we try doing to too much at once that we burn ourselves out and eventually we cannot do anything at all. We all want to be these ‘super beings’ but sometimes we just need to take one step at a time. If you are a control freak like me then everything has to be perfect and I get so frustrated because all I want to do it sit down and relax and it is virtually impossible for me to do.

Take for example that you have 3 assignments all due for the same day. Most of us I’m guessing are probably going to leave it for the last minute and we going to get in a panic state. This is the chasing of rabbits at the same time. What we need to do is plan our time well that we don’t have to stress and we can spend our time on more productive things and will probably end up getting a better mark. It’s not as hard as most of us think, we just need to sit down and think about our time. Time is so precious so use it wisely.